
Monthly Archives: January 2013

Revelstoke, BC

This is where I lived during my avalanche assignment for Canadian Geographic. An attic.

As I was waiting on my bed for the next occasion to get out and shoot some avalanche action, I was thinking about the story and how to build it in a compelling and eye catching way. If you really want to understand how avalanches work, you have to go to the microscopic scale and look at the ice crystals that form the snow pack. So I thought it would be interesting to photograph ice crystals and snow flakes but therefore you need a microscope. Actually, no you don’t, you just need to modify your camera a little. I knew that the further the lens is from the camera body, the more “macro” the photo. So I went to the hardware store and bought a piece of black tube that I glued to a hollowed out lens cap on one side and a camera body cap on the other. This allowed me to attach the lens further from the body.

Thing is, a lot of light is lost in the tube,  so you need to compensate with pretty powerful flashes.

Here are the results of my first tests with a regular 50 mm lens (on jelly beans and my fingers), pretty conclusive.




Total cost: 3$ 😉

I am very happy to announce you that my first movie Down the Line has been selected for the VIMFF (Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival). It will be played on Feb 11th, the session begins at 3pm. I'll need all of you to fill up the theater and cheer at the end! ;-) Thanks to all of those who helped, you guys rock!